Distill the Real You

Grounded Audacity

Last week I wrote about being irrationally confident. In retrospect, I failed to mention one important detail: the practice works best for people who are not ego-driven. If you are normally humble, then an occasional bout of irrational confidence can be highly useful... but if your ego is too big, then you routinely will be overestimating your abilities.

Another way to describe the ideal way to be is: practice grounded audacity.

Be Irrationally Confident

I recently recorded a very personal ten-minute video that draws on my own life experiences. (Its purpose is to explain my new online course.)

Although I don't use this exact phrase in the video, in the several days since I posted the video, it has occurred to me that I'm talking about the difference between a weak, unfocused and half-hearted effort vs. one that's driven by a relentless sense of compulsion and conviction.

Guess which one works?

50 Ways to Bring Positive Energy into Your Life (2024 edition)

Every year, I update and republish this list of proven suggestions. I'd like to ask you a favor: if one or two of these suggestions especially resonate with you, could you please leave that number in the comments? I'll use your feedback to guide topics I write about in future issues.

Here we go...

1. Every time you interact with another person, make a conscious decision about the energy you wish to bring (i.e. positive, uplifting, supportive…).

Choose Your Life Carefully

I had a different topic in mind for today, but just saw this image that Steven Bartlett shared on LinkedIn, and it got me thinking...

How many people choose the life they want, ten years from now?

To put this more specifically, how many people wake up day after day and take specific actions in the present to alter their results in the future?